Sunday, 24 March 2019

Symmetric Pairs HackerRank SQL Solution in MYSQL


You are given a table, Functions, containing two columns: and Y.
Two pairs (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) are said to be symmetric pairs if X1 = Y2 and X2 = Y1.
Write a query to output all such symmetric pairs in ascending order by the value of X.
Sample Input
Sample Output
20 20
20 21
22 23


select x, y from functions f1 
    where exists(select * from functions f2 where f2.y=f1.x 
    and f2.x=f1.y and f2.x>f1.x) and (x!=y) 
select x, y from functions f1 where x=y and 
    ((select count(*) from functions where x=f1.x and y=f1.x)>1)    

        order by x;

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